Thursday, February 6, 2020

Understanding b2c travel portal

Understanding the term ‘B2C’

B2C simply means any service that moves directly from the business to the customer; without the involvement of any intermediary in the process. Hence, demands of the customers are directly met and there exists a direct communication between the business and its customers. B2C channel is important for the fact that it is relatively less time consuming and leads to a definitive feedback. When the business is able to directly contact the customers, the misunderstandings between the two are removed and faster work flow takes place.

Also, the business to customer (B2C) channel is beneficial because it removes the extra obligation of an intermediary and saves cost for both; the customer as well as the portal developer. With consumerism gaining more importance, B2C is widely accepted and appreciated by the service providers.

Understanding B2C travel portals

B2C travel portals operate in real time to cater services like airline bookings, railway bookings, hotel reservations, airline status, railways running status etc. Also, these services aren’t outsourced to a business but are directly made available for the public to operate. Travel portals operating in B2C environment have bloomed after the consumers choosing to receive services first handedly.

Travelling has become a widespread charm and therefore, more and more people are switching over to B2C portals for their travelling needs. No one wants to spend time and money in waiting for the perfect holiday package to knock on their doors. Therefore, people are taking the help of B2C portals, which enable them to sit at home and plan the whole vacation.B2C travel portals have gained even more importance because of the ease in accessibility that has come because of the existence of information and technology.

B2C travel portal development

B2C travel portal development is relatively a newer concept that has evolved with the onset of the revolution in the world of information and technology. It is centered on the concept of making travel easy for people by giving them an opportunity to be at home and still explore the world in a few clicks.

Development portals are made by skilled professionals after carefully analyzing the demands of the customers that are needed to be met. B2C travel portals are also called Internet booking engines or IBE and are capable of working in all sorts of environments. They work by integration of a global distribution system, popularly known as the GDS. Various GDS systems that can be used alternatively with b2b travel portal are Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport etc.

With the reliable system of integration that they work with, they are continuously used by more and more consumer networks. The need of the hour is the saving of time and money and they ensure both by being the quickest responsive methods of satisfying and serving the customers directly.

B2C travel portal development must be done by professionals that have requisite knowledge and experience in the field and therefore, one must choose B2C developers carefully.

A highly efficient B2C travel portal development must have the following features-

· Real time updates of flight and railway information.

· Instant hotel bookings.

· Instantly working payment portals.

· Operational ease of website for customers.

· Efficiency of grievance redressal system.

· Easy and effective coordination between the developers and customers.

· Multi language support.

· Multi currency acceptability.

· Digital payment acceptance.

· Variety of products offered.

· Integration with various software systems.

B2C travel portal development is very important in order to gain advantage of the direct client age and hence, B2C travel portal development needs to be in line with all the requisites and demands of the customers.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

choosing best travel portal company made easy!

Travel technology companies are setting new benchmarks in the market as more and more people are opting to pre plan their trips without having to step outside. However, in the midst of all the chaos, people are struggling to find ‘that one’ company which offers all the services at one place; from hotel bookings to air tickets and from cabs to real time updates. The pressure of selecting the best and the cheapest often leads to people ending up and compromising for substandard services that might look reasonable on the outside but often are lacking in quality. The reality of the goodness of a travel portal company depends 100% on the kind of travel portal development services that such a company has opted for.

Travel portal development companies are the ones that prepare and plan out the software of a travel company and are responsible for the outlook of a travel portal. Consequently, travel portal development isn’t an easy task for the fact that complex software is used and it needs to be updated in real time with qualified professionals being in touch with the website on day to day basis.

The task of choosing the best travel technology company is the toughest decision that every person who wants to get a travel portal developed goes through because all the success of a travel portal depends upon how good the system works and how quick it responds and caters to the demands of the general public. Hence, to know how to choose the best development company from the various companies that exist, here is a blog that would help out each and every person or a group of persons in knowing how they can easily pick out travel portal software company for their emerging travel business.

1. Quality of professionals: the success of any company depends wholly and solely upon the kind of people that have been employed. Similarly, the best kinds of travel portal development companies have people and staff who have appropriate knowledge and know-how of the kind of product or service that they cater.

2. Client Portfolio: An experienced travel portal company would always have a great client portfolio with positive feedback from all such people who have used their software.

3. Reasonable services: Neither to hefty on the pockets nor to cheap, the best kinds of travel portal development companies provide services at par with the rates that exist in the market.

4. Timely delivery of services: once given an order, it is important for such travel technology companies to deliver the services well within the stipulated time and not any later since the time lost in late delivery costs a travel portal company a lot.

5. Personal touch: A good travel portal software company will always stay in touch with its client throughout the time their services are being used.

6. Authenticated work: development of a travel portal requires creativity and hence, any such creativity should not be copied from someone else and should be authentic and not copied. However, certain ideas of others can be taken as a reference.

7. Work as demanded: The services of a travel portal development company must be as per the demands of the clients and shouldn’t be deviated from what has been asked.

8. Guarantee of work done: every company working in this segment should guarantee that the services provided will always be improved and checked for timely.

With the emerging knowledge of the use of technology and internet, people are switching over to applications and websites and in such a scenario, prime focus must be given to the quality of the presence on the World Wide Web. Therefore, travel portal development companies are a one goes solution for all such travel portals that want to increase their public base and undoubtedly should be chosen after taking care of everything that has been mentioned above.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Travel Portal Development and Their Advantages

Travel portals are intricate and complex software structures that have been embedded with real time updates of various services like live updates on airlines, hotels and railways that may be useful for the end user. Travel portal can easily be made these days since several software making agencies along with the web developers offers services that are beneficial for those who want to sit at home and easily avail services.

Travel portals are B2C mostly but in some cases, they may exist to cater to the businesses, definitely leading to the provision of B2B services. These days the CRM software is increasingly been used to provide services like synchronized chats, mail services and back office services to the customers.
There are various components of a travel portal system, some of which are Payment gateway integration, Reservation system, Travel agent management, b2b white label travel portal.

The concept of travelling, I’m sure, is known by everyone around the world but the concept of facilitators of this travelling is known to a few. Ever wondered how do you end up getting air tickets without having to wait or how do you find hotels that have rooms to accommodate you and your family? While many people opt for personal and direct contact with the service providers, others take the help of mediators who try and find a common ground of negotiations and deal breaking within the two parties; the customers and the service providers.

This brings us to two types of air portal services i.e. B2B or business to business where in services and software of one business are used by the other so as to cater the customers while the other kind of portals are B2C or business to customers travel portals that directly deal with the customer. B2B travel portals make use of a host agency. The agent makes use of the technology that a third party provides in order to facilitate results whereas B2C travel portals unswervingly engage the customers without getting mediated by any host agency.

With blooming response of internet users around the globe, the world has shrinked into a small place of well-connected people and businesses. Travel portals take advantage of the presence of internet and use other resources available online to attract tourists around the world.


Real time display of various actions that pertain to railways, airways and hotel bookings is displayed with everyone having access and opportunity to view the same.

Lesser time is taken to publish the results of actions performed i.e. your tickets are immediately processed and can be printed without having to wait for any confirmations with the use of a travel portal.

With the use of online travel portals, discriminatory booking practices have come to an end. People are behind the screens and cannot be discriminated from booking or purchasing the services that they want.

No time and resources has to be wasted on going to the agent for getting anything booked. Travel portals can be easily accessed from mobile, laptops, computers and tablets.

All the information is kept safely and securely and you don’t have to worry about missing any page of evidence. You can contact the agent running the travel portal in case of any such loss.

Travel portals make it easy for people to compare services and chose the best out of them.

Filters in searching allow you to see exactly what you want. Travel portals are easier to be used and aren’t complicated.

With people becoming busier in their lives, the time of vacations and the joy of travelling has become an important part of life for everyone. Travel portals ensure that customers get the joy of enjoying a perfectly planned vacation within the budgets that they planned.

Building a good travel portal is of paramount importance in this regard since people would ultimately prefer to take help from agents and agencies that are readily providing results and keeping a sense of personal touch with the customers. The success of businesses these days is marked mostly by the kind of presence they have online and hence travel portals must work towards making themselves usable and informative for the customers. We are travel portal development company develop b2b and b2c travel portal with Third party API Integration.

Friday, June 28, 2019


Travel portals are intricate and complex software structures that have been embedded with real time updates of various services like live updates on airlines, hotels and railways that may be useful for the end user. Travel portal can easily be made these days since several software making agencies along with the web developers offers services that are beneficial for those who want to sit at home and easily avail services.

Travel portals are B2C mostly but in some cases, they may exist to cater to the businesses, definitely leading to the provision of B2B services. These days the CRM software is increasingly been used to provide services like synchronized chats, mail services and back office services to the customers.
There are various components of a travel portal system, some of which are Payment gateway integration, Reservation system, Travel agent management, white label travel portal.

The concept of travelling, I’m sure, is known by everyone around the world but the concept of facilitators of this travelling is known to a few. Ever wondered how do you end up getting air tickets without having to wait or how do you find hotels that have rooms to accommodate you and your family? While many people opt for personal and direct contact with the service providers, others take the help of mediators who try and find a common ground of negotiations and deal breaking within the two parties; the customers and the service providers.

This brings us to two types of air portal services i.e. B2B or business to business where in services and software of one business are used by the other so as to cater the customers while the other kind of portals are B2C or business to customers travel portals that directly deal with the customer. B2B travel portals make use of a host agency. The agent makes use of the technology that a third party provides in order to facilitate results whereas B2C travel portals unswervingly engage the customers without getting mediated by any host agency.

With blooming response of internet users around the globe, the world has shrinked into a small place of well-connected people and businesses. Travel portals take advantage of the presence of internet and use other resources available online to attract tourists around the world.


Real time display of various actions that pertain to railways, airways and hotel bookings is displayed with everyone having access and opportunity to view the same.

Lesser time is taken to publish the results of actions performed i.e. your tickets are immediately processed and can be printed without having to wait for any confirmations with the use of a travel portal.

With the use of online travel portals, discriminatory booking practices have come to an end. People are behind the screens and cannot be discriminated from booking or purchasing the services that they want.

No time and resources has to be wasted on going to the agent for getting anything booked. Travel portals can be easily accessed from mobile, laptops, computers and tablets.

All the information is kept safely and securely and you don’t have to worry about missing any page of evidence. You can contact the agent running the travel portal in case of any such loss.

Travel portals make it easy for people to compare services and chose the best out of them.
Filters in searching allow you to see exactly what you want. Travel portals are easier to be used and aren’t complicated.

With people becoming busier in their lives, the time of vacations and the joy of travelling has become an important part of life for everyone. Travel portals ensure that customers get the joy of enjoying a perfectly planned vacation within the budgets that they planned.

Building a good travel portal is of paramount importance in this regard since people would ultimately prefer to take help from agents and agencies that are readily providing results and keeping a sense of personal touch with the customers.

The success of businesses these days is marked mostly by the kind of presence they have online and hence travel portals must work towards making themselves usable and informative for the customers. We are travel portal development company develop b2b/b2c travel portal, white label travel portal development with Third party API Integration.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How to Start a Travel Portal?

With the advent of a revolutionary move in the arena of Information and technology sector, more and more people are resorting to methods and means that are user friendly and are available easily in no time. The entire retail sector has already moved online and soon, you’ll see a whole new world of travel industry where in competitors would increase, well established travel markets would bloom everywhere on the internet and another revolution will hence be kick started.

Travel industry is gaining a lot of popularity lately and it’s the correct time to make full use of the comparatively lesser competition that exists right now. But before you start, there are a lot of things that you need to know. Starting a travel agency isn’t as easy as it sounds for it requires the correct knowledge and expertise. There are a few resources that tell you how to flourish and to your utter happiness, we are here with a blog that will teach you on how to establish a well connected travel portal which caters to the demands of all.

Let us begin!


In order to start with a travel portal development, an individual needs to be well researched so as to be aware about the segment of the industry that he’d be catering in the long run. While some travel portals fix their eye on the hotel bookings, others are more diverse and cater packages that include everything.


A person who knows about his competitors is surely in the race to pace ahead of them. Not having any knowledge about the competitors might put you in disadvantage because others, you never know, might be offering better products and services than you!


An online business starts with having a good website that is interactive as well as informative. A lot of website developers are available in this regard. There shouldn’t be a lot of paragraphs written so that all the people visiting don’t get bored.


White label portals make use of a host agency in order to facilitate results in real time like status of flights, number of hotel rooms available etc. It depends upon the proprietor to decide whether he will opt for a help from one such white label portal or build one for his own self.

Using host agency to display results is likely to be less costly than making personal portals.


Once a good website with all the requisite resources has been made, the agent must indulge in some promotional work in order to facilitate effective marketing. Initial package discounts or some additional subsidies can be given to attract the consumers in the initial stages. In the long run, referral discounts can too be given.

Also, if the portal establishes itself successfully, application based on it can be developed to cater the masses. Applications are comparatively easier to access and are eventually setting the trends more than the websites are.

Building a white label travel portal is easy but managing it effectively is a task and hence regular improvements, in line with the technological advancements must be made.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Get to Understand B2B Travel Portals Better

B2B travel portal is a one stop destination for all the businesses that are planning to expand their work very in a very efficient manner by outsourcing their travel management systems in the best possible way.

B2B network itself has been designed in a way that could promote better outcomes without giving much strain to the users. Travel agencies have been by far benefited the most out of this model since it has expanded scopes for businesses that were earlier facing shortage of resources like apt network, manpower shortage or older technologies.

• With the coming of such b2b travel portal, the need for stepping out of homes and comfort zones has become a secondary thing and people can sit at homes and still be aware of all the recent updates like plane arrival times, railway reservation status etc.

• As the world is becoming more inclined towards technology, carrying all such data in your packets by simplifying such portals into easy to access applications has also revolutionized the way the world works.

• With the coming of this technology, customers have easy access to data that is available and displayed in real time.

• Cost effective solutions are offered to various businesses and the need to spend a huge amount of money on simply maintaining and collecting data has reduced by leaps after the coming of such B2B travel portals.

• A good travel portal development system attracts the customers by visually presenting the information in a way that looks attractive and works efficiently without much input.

• Information like ‘cheapest fare flights’ or ‘trains running between Bombay and Delhi’ can be easily fetched by development of such portals. Information like this is much demanded by people.

• It is said that the most expensive resources in today’s scenario are time and money and undoubtedly these portals save time and monetary resources of several mediators who would have been employed in disguise by the businesses.

The users of this information can completely rely on it because of the innovative and professional uses of technology that is deployed in maintenance of such portals. By development of B2B travel portals, everything is served under one roof.

It is very advantageous for a business to get a good travel portal system and by doing so, a large number of customer base can be attracted within a short duration of time. Innovation in working is what people need and hence b2b travel portal in India is one such innovation that brings the world a lot closer than it actually is!

You never know who gets ahead of you by use of this latest innovation in the travel and tourism industry. So, what are you waiting for? Get your custom made websites and white label portals designed today and you’ll get to know the wonders that these B2B portals can do for you and your business. From money managing tools in your website to real time updates of flights, railways and hotel bookings, no chance of disappointment will ever be given to you.

It’s time to move ahead with technology and impart in business the new innovations. Tourism and travel industry is scattered beyond horizons and it holds a lot of scope for people who want to expand. B2B travel portals are those wings that will ultimately make the tourism industry fly limitless.

Understanding b2c travel portal

Understanding the term ‘B2C’ B2C simply means any service that moves directly from the business to the customer; without the involvemen...